How to calculate z-score in excel with manufacturing example

How to calculate z-score in excel with a manufacturing example:

Hi Readers! Here, we are going to learn today how to calculate z-score in excel with manufacturing examples. And also we will understand the standard deviation calculation based on the sample and population. You can download the sample example excel template of z-score calculation from the below link as well.

Sample Excel Template of Z-score-[Free Download]

The formula of Z-Score calculation:

Z-Score = [xi-Mean]/ σ

Where xis the observed value

µ =Mean

σ = Standard deviation of the population.

Before starting the calculation, we have to understand the variance and standard deviation of the sample and population, so that very easily we can calculate the value of Z-Score.

Relation between variance and standard deviation:

Standard Deviation is equal to the square root of the variance

σ or s = Square root of the variance

Variance = σ2 or s2

How to calculate z-score in excel

How to calculate z-score in excel with manufacturing example

For example, there is a 5 nos total data set that we have observed and these are given below as

Data set = [294, 295, 296, 295, 310], and the company has set the range of -1 to 1 as “not an outlier”. The individual data value which is greater than 1 or less than -1 is the outlier value from the data set.

By using the above formula we are going to calculate the Z-score manually and then by Excel sheet.

Manual calculation of Z-Score:

Data set- = 294, 295, 296, 295, 310.

Z-Score = [xi-Mean]/ σ

Where, X1=294, X2=295, X3=296, X4=295, X5=310

Total number of data points (n) = 5

Mean of data set = (294 + 295 + 296 + 295 + 310)/5 = 298

Datax-µ(x-µ)2Sum of (x-µ)2/nSquare root of (Sum of (x-µ)2/n)
 Sum =182  

Mean, µ = 298, Standard deviation of population = 6.03, so Z-score is equal =

Z-Score = [xi-Mean]/ σ

For data value “294” Z-score equal to = (294-298)/6.03 = -0.66, similarly we have calculated the z-score for data set.

Excel Calculation Methods:

Step-1: Open the excel sheet

Step-2: Type the data value like below in the Excel sheet


Step-3: Use the below Excel function formula to calculate the mean

How to calculate z-score in excel
mean value
Step-4: Use below excel function formula to calculate the standard deviation of the data set.
standard deviation calculation
std value

Step-5: Use the below function formula to calculate the individual Z-score of all data value

How to calculate z-score in excel
How to calculate z-score in excel

Conclusion and data interpretation: As per the organization outlier criteria, the data value 310 is the outlier data among the above data set because the Z-score is 1.99 which is greater than the value of 1

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